Many economists say that -- technically -- the recession has ended, but unemployment remains high, more foreclosures are expected this year and people are still not spending much on buying new items for their homes. But we all still enjoy buying. And with so many rip-off designs flooding the market these days, why not take the time to find something unique. Something from the past? Something of quality and to call your own? And at a much lower price tag. Reuse and repurpose. Here are a few things:

Don't want to use your Hipstamatic app on your iPhone and long for the real thing. An original polaroid.
Tory Burch? Want the look but not her prices? High-quality, vintage wool. Unused, unworn and made of a quality we no longer have today on the market.

Books and seventeenth-century Italian maps too.

Books, books and more books. Publications span centuries - from poetry to fashion design.

Religious reliquaries and religious icons? Start a new trend.

Cordial glasses? Use them as portion control for shots of whiskey. Adds an elegant touch.