Apr 16, 07:01 PM
Hello everybody :),
I'm the autor of these pictures. I've made this with 3dsmax and Vray render. Photoshop has been just use to create the noise and resize the pictures.
For the perspective problem on the third pics, it's just a lens distortion of my camera.
Stop search, it's just a 3D render exercise.
I'm happy to see that my work unleashed passions but it's A FAKE.
To have more information, see : http://iphone4fake.over-blog.com
Now we have just to wait June to see the real truth.
(Sorry for my english, i'm french ^^ )
yeah nice work :). however i really think the next iphone will be with the aluminum rear shell.
I'm the autor of these pictures. I've made this with 3dsmax and Vray render. Photoshop has been just use to create the noise and resize the pictures.
For the perspective problem on the third pics, it's just a lens distortion of my camera.
Stop search, it's just a 3D render exercise.
I'm happy to see that my work unleashed passions but it's A FAKE.
To have more information, see : http://iphone4fake.over-blog.com
Now we have just to wait June to see the real truth.
(Sorry for my english, i'm french ^^ )
yeah nice work :). however i really think the next iphone will be with the aluminum rear shell.
Apr 9, 01:16 PM
Ahh, I didn't realize it was intended that long ago. Now that it is an open standard, though, Adobe shouldn't really have much say in it now, right?
As we've all read a lot about recently, open standard is not open source. I'm sure Adobe and Microsoft have an arrangement.
As we've all read a lot about recently, open standard is not open source. I'm sure Adobe and Microsoft have an arrangement.
Apr 8, 02:18 PM
I wonder what the special promotion is.
Probably something semi lame like a free smart cover if you buy an ipad.
Or nothing at all and they are just doing a 'front page' featuring all the various tablets you can get. they have gotten bad PR for doing that and not having any in stock which could be why they are holding non pre-orders.
I also heard that there is no ad and they aren't selling 'walk ins' because they might have to redistribute them to other stores to fill pre-orders. Because they are starting to get some bad press and complaints about the wait. Which is also why they have been told not to take anymore pre-orders for the time being.
what I wonder is, if your unit comes up doing the promotion since you put money down is it considered already sold. Or was it basically a deposit and you are actually 'buying' it that day and can take advantage of what deal there might be
Probably something semi lame like a free smart cover if you buy an ipad.
Or nothing at all and they are just doing a 'front page' featuring all the various tablets you can get. they have gotten bad PR for doing that and not having any in stock which could be why they are holding non pre-orders.
I also heard that there is no ad and they aren't selling 'walk ins' because they might have to redistribute them to other stores to fill pre-orders. Because they are starting to get some bad press and complaints about the wait. Which is also why they have been told not to take anymore pre-orders for the time being.
what I wonder is, if your unit comes up doing the promotion since you put money down is it considered already sold. Or was it basically a deposit and you are actually 'buying' it that day and can take advantage of what deal there might be
Mar 17, 12:56 PM
I been a browser of this forum for years, but never posted many threads, Picked up My black 16g wi-fi iPad 2 on launch day at Best Buy. The store was chaos, and it turned out to be a very lucky day. I told the stoner at the register I wanted to pay some of the balance in cash and the rest with my credit card. He counted the cash I gave him which was $230.00 looked dumbfounded for a moment, printed out a receipt and handed me my bag, followed by are we cool? I said yes, walked out and could not believe he never asked for the remaining balance. Walked out with a brand new ipad for 230.00 Wow!! Now normally I'm honest about things in that nature, but I have been screwed by Best Buy so many times I looked at it as being payback. Picked up a green smart cover incase sleeve and a STM micro ipad carry on sling pack, an excellent iPad combo. Yes, there are some minor issues with a little light bleed but no device is perfect, and it's not going to last 5 years. Instead of looking for imperfections and little micro scratches in the aluminum people should have fun and enjoy the device. Hope everyone is enjoying their iPad 2, I know I am
You're a thief.
You're a thief.
Apr 17, 05:07 AM
Uh...wow. I don't know where you went to school, but we were indeed taught about the struggles of all those people. Why should gay people be left out? This is not a special class being taught. It's just including the things gay people went through to gain equal rights in a history class that talks about all those other groups as well.
And yeah, it's just you. Why are you afraid of learning and knowledge? Why does this entire country seem to wish to remain ignorant rather than learn? What the hell is wrong with us? Seriously, it's becoming ridiculous. It really is. Knowledge is power. How is knowing less a good thing?
You completely missed the point. Let me be more specific for comprehension purposes. There is no way to teach the persecution of all peoples throughout the history of our planet with the way the school system is today. So where should the line be drawn? You never answered the question. Do gays deserve more attention than say slavery or the holocaust? It appears to me that you feel that a select few individuals, that may have been gay, deserve more attention than the plight of entire civilizations or race of people?
And this is not ignorance. Pointing out the sexuality of a person that made a contribution to society is irrelevant. Completely and utterly irrelevant! Do people remember Einstein for being a Jew or as the father of modern physics? You would prefer he was remembered as a Jew first?
As for me afraid of learning? Don't presume anything about anyone. I can make an educated guess by your spelling and grammar that you have an education. You are intelligent. We simply view this differently.
And yeah, it's just you. Why are you afraid of learning and knowledge? Why does this entire country seem to wish to remain ignorant rather than learn? What the hell is wrong with us? Seriously, it's becoming ridiculous. It really is. Knowledge is power. How is knowing less a good thing?
You completely missed the point. Let me be more specific for comprehension purposes. There is no way to teach the persecution of all peoples throughout the history of our planet with the way the school system is today. So where should the line be drawn? You never answered the question. Do gays deserve more attention than say slavery or the holocaust? It appears to me that you feel that a select few individuals, that may have been gay, deserve more attention than the plight of entire civilizations or race of people?
And this is not ignorance. Pointing out the sexuality of a person that made a contribution to society is irrelevant. Completely and utterly irrelevant! Do people remember Einstein for being a Jew or as the father of modern physics? You would prefer he was remembered as a Jew first?
As for me afraid of learning? Don't presume anything about anyone. I can make an educated guess by your spelling and grammar that you have an education. You are intelligent. We simply view this differently.
Aug 7, 03:40 PM
Price drops are always a good thing ;)
Apr 8, 01:45 PM
I would love and welcome to be eduacted on this scheme.
Corporate plans events/sales/promotions months in advance. They couldn't see the future, and lack of iPad 2 supply, so to keep on track for whatever promo they have coming they are keeping a minimum supply to guarantee sales on that day. It's quite simple really.
And no it isn't to build iPad 2 hype it's to get feet through the door (Best Buy) on a particular day, probably a normal slow sales weekend.
Now everyone breathe and realize the world doesn't work just for you.
Corporate plans events/sales/promotions months in advance. They couldn't see the future, and lack of iPad 2 supply, so to keep on track for whatever promo they have coming they are keeping a minimum supply to guarantee sales on that day. It's quite simple really.
And no it isn't to build iPad 2 hype it's to get feet through the door (Best Buy) on a particular day, probably a normal slow sales weekend.
Now everyone breathe and realize the world doesn't work just for you.
Nov 28, 02:07 PM
I'm happy with Black Ops so far. Let me say this though, i have not touched the Single Player and have only played like 10 minutes of Zombies. So this is from a multi-player perspective.
Good Map Variety - I think the maps are well designed. They have a few good places where snipers could actually hide and do their thing. In MW2, good luck finding a hole to crawl into. Generally it was shoot and move.
Points System- I like the points system. It let's me get my gear the way I want it quicker. That helps with my KD Ratio.
Balance - I think this is more balanced than MW2. It gives new players a chance to get in the game while giving experienced players a nicer challenge. No more getting screwed quite as much if you wern't the fastest.
Connectivity - I find it very laggy at times. Perhaps that's due to initial server load, but someone needs to fix this
Graphics: While it's Ok, the fire animation is.....
Stupid Killstreaks: Yeah, RC Car, I'm looking at you.
I disagree with everything except for the RC Car...that IS gay.
(Im talking multiplayer here)

Wedding Bells Side Image

Wedding Bells

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Wedding Bells

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Wedding Bell With Hearts
Good Map Variety - I think the maps are well designed. They have a few good places where snipers could actually hide and do their thing. In MW2, good luck finding a hole to crawl into. Generally it was shoot and move.
Points System- I like the points system. It let's me get my gear the way I want it quicker. That helps with my KD Ratio.
Balance - I think this is more balanced than MW2. It gives new players a chance to get in the game while giving experienced players a nicer challenge. No more getting screwed quite as much if you wern't the fastest.
Connectivity - I find it very laggy at times. Perhaps that's due to initial server load, but someone needs to fix this
Graphics: While it's Ok, the fire animation is.....
Stupid Killstreaks: Yeah, RC Car, I'm looking at you.
I disagree with everything except for the RC Car...that IS gay.
(Im talking multiplayer here)
Aug 1, 01:48 PM
Ok, so this is one thing people don't really talk about, but to be completely honest, why don't we just be honest here.
Loosing Denmark, or Norway or both, doesn't matter one bit. It is a courtesy that Apple even allowed these small and meaningless countries to join in on the fun.
Point is, that loosing Denmark or Norway, or both, doesn't play any roles here... They are no market for Apple. We have Denmark, who is 98% PeeCee users and are still allergic to change and everything Apple. So, with a population of roughly 5 million, and most people use, PCs, and their aggressive TDC (Local Telephone company/Internet Company) downloadable music campaigns came out a month or two before Apple was allowed into the country. Conveniently they got a head start, no one talks about how TDC was blocking Apple from getting in.
Now, Apple users have just recently started to grow in Denmark, and if I say that the total Mac User community in Denmark is 25.000 people, then I am being optimistic at best. Out of that 25.000 a good 10.000 to 15.000 users don't have a modern mac, or don't even have broadband and don't surf the web like others, or rather, they are not part of the iLife community that has spawned an entire culture, thanks to Apple.
Then we have a few the 10.000 or so who actually have a current mac and do use all the tools and apps in the iLife community. But not all download music, so if we say that 5000 people actually buy music from iTunes, then is a minor miracle. A song on iTunes costs you $1.37 and then you actually need an iPod too, so let's throw that into the equation too. How many currently active iLife / iPod users are there really? Not a heck of alot. The iPod is not cheap in Denmark and songs are not cheap either.
People might have tried to buy a few songs from iTunes, but don't count on people actually building their library up with songs purchased with music from iTunes.
So, in the grand scheme of things, loosing 5-10.000 customers (being optimistic here and I am not even saying they are reoccurring users) for Apple doesn't mean a thing. New York has more inhabitant than Denmark...Ohh I don't know, say, 4 times more?
NEW YORK (Population 19,227,088)
DENMARK (Population 5,450,661 -the entire country-)
NORWAY (Population 4,610,820 -the entire country-)
SWEDEN (Population 9,016,596 -the entire country-)
New York makes up these three countries and no, not the entire State buys iTunes, but then neither do, these three countries...
So, the entire US, Canada, Asia, Australia and parts of Europe.. Do, you really think, Denmark makes an impression? Or Sweden and Norway for that matter?
Honestly, they are full of them selves, and they are MS friendly, always have been and always will be... That is their way... It won't change, creativity doesn't live these places.
The fact that these small countries yell so loudly has to be because they don't have anything better to do with their time and money.
So, for those who really think, Apple should give in, to these spoiled nations... Think again... Apple would benefit from leaving these countries, and let them enjoy whatever they want to enjoy.
TV shows, in those countries? Well I can only speak for Denmark, as I am stationed here... With their perverted Laws... That won't ever happen... Something called CODA and License, are the real pirates of those countries.
These countries simply didn't deserve to have Apple even thinking about giving them a piece of the fun...
Loosing Denmark, or Norway or both, doesn't matter one bit. It is a courtesy that Apple even allowed these small and meaningless countries to join in on the fun.
Point is, that loosing Denmark or Norway, or both, doesn't play any roles here... They are no market for Apple. We have Denmark, who is 98% PeeCee users and are still allergic to change and everything Apple. So, with a population of roughly 5 million, and most people use, PCs, and their aggressive TDC (Local Telephone company/Internet Company) downloadable music campaigns came out a month or two before Apple was allowed into the country. Conveniently they got a head start, no one talks about how TDC was blocking Apple from getting in.
Now, Apple users have just recently started to grow in Denmark, and if I say that the total Mac User community in Denmark is 25.000 people, then I am being optimistic at best. Out of that 25.000 a good 10.000 to 15.000 users don't have a modern mac, or don't even have broadband and don't surf the web like others, or rather, they are not part of the iLife community that has spawned an entire culture, thanks to Apple.
Then we have a few the 10.000 or so who actually have a current mac and do use all the tools and apps in the iLife community. But not all download music, so if we say that 5000 people actually buy music from iTunes, then is a minor miracle. A song on iTunes costs you $1.37 and then you actually need an iPod too, so let's throw that into the equation too. How many currently active iLife / iPod users are there really? Not a heck of alot. The iPod is not cheap in Denmark and songs are not cheap either.
People might have tried to buy a few songs from iTunes, but don't count on people actually building their library up with songs purchased with music from iTunes.
So, in the grand scheme of things, loosing 5-10.000 customers (being optimistic here and I am not even saying they are reoccurring users) for Apple doesn't mean a thing. New York has more inhabitant than Denmark...Ohh I don't know, say, 4 times more?
NEW YORK (Population 19,227,088)
DENMARK (Population 5,450,661 -the entire country-)
NORWAY (Population 4,610,820 -the entire country-)
SWEDEN (Population 9,016,596 -the entire country-)
New York makes up these three countries and no, not the entire State buys iTunes, but then neither do, these three countries...
So, the entire US, Canada, Asia, Australia and parts of Europe.. Do, you really think, Denmark makes an impression? Or Sweden and Norway for that matter?
Honestly, they are full of them selves, and they are MS friendly, always have been and always will be... That is their way... It won't change, creativity doesn't live these places.
The fact that these small countries yell so loudly has to be because they don't have anything better to do with their time and money.
So, for those who really think, Apple should give in, to these spoiled nations... Think again... Apple would benefit from leaving these countries, and let them enjoy whatever they want to enjoy.
TV shows, in those countries? Well I can only speak for Denmark, as I am stationed here... With their perverted Laws... That won't ever happen... Something called CODA and License, are the real pirates of those countries.
These countries simply didn't deserve to have Apple even thinking about giving them a piece of the fun...
Apr 8, 09:33 PM
Glad to see not everyones an Apple sheep..
Yeah, I've gotta agree on this one too.
Glad to see not everyones an Apple sheep..
Yeah, I've gotta agree on this one too.
Mar 18, 09:13 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)
Fair enough. Most people on here refuse to think that anyone other than Apple can make a good phone.
Just curious now- what HTC phone was your friend using to play angry birds @2fps? I had no idea that HTC made a worse android phone (compared to the original G1).
It was a HTC wildfire, a google search brings up some results regarding it.
Fair enough. Most people on here refuse to think that anyone other than Apple can make a good phone.
Just curious now- what HTC phone was your friend using to play angry birds @2fps? I had no idea that HTC made a worse android phone (compared to the original G1).
It was a HTC wildfire, a google search brings up some results regarding it.
Jan 12, 04:03 AM
What are they, 12? I thought that was disgraceful. But then again, I hate all practical jokes. There's no wit or elegance involved in any of them. I've never heard of one that wasn't the equivalent of telling someone their house had burned down with their family inside before slapping them on the back and saying, "Just kidding!"
"I love practical jokes" is just another way of saying "I don't have the intelligence or sophistication to appreciate genuine humour, but I know how to hurt people".
"I love practical jokes" is just another way of saying "I don't have the intelligence or sophistication to appreciate genuine humour, but I know how to hurt people".
Jan 10, 06:48 PM
Sometimes I think, have a thought that is way out there, and I chuckle because it would be really bad to do it. Funny, HA HA, at someone's else's expensive.
But I don't do it.
But I don't do it.
Oct 1, 02:07 PM
Wonder what the stairway leads to?
Basement. Follow the Gizmodo links and you'll find the rather uninteresting floorplan thereof.
Basement. Follow the Gizmodo links and you'll find the rather uninteresting floorplan thereof.
Oct 3, 12:31 PM
iTV is a definite. Whether or not it's available then, at the very least the final feature set will be specified. As part of that, Apple will probably announce all Macs are updated with 802.11n (already rumored to be the case for iMacs).
I would also rate the iPhone a very high probability. Apple is not stupid and they have to strike now while the iron is hot and the iPod is still at the top of its game. Music phones by SonyEricsson, LG, Samsung, Motorola, etc. may not have made a dent in iPod sales yet, but they are bound to once they improve the crappy media player software and increase capacity (and affordable 2 GB micro/mini SD flash cards are already available).
If Apple is able to deliver an iPhone by early I predict it will sweep aside all competitors (LG Chocolate, SonyEricsson Walkman phone, etc.), and also start taking large chunks of market share of "cool" fashionista-oriented phones like RAZR and Sidekick. Not because Apple is competing on features with the RAZR or Sidekick, but rather because it will become the new "cool" phone, and most people only own one phone, after all.
I would also rate the iPhone a very high probability. Apple is not stupid and they have to strike now while the iron is hot and the iPod is still at the top of its game. Music phones by SonyEricsson, LG, Samsung, Motorola, etc. may not have made a dent in iPod sales yet, but they are bound to once they improve the crappy media player software and increase capacity (and affordable 2 GB micro/mini SD flash cards are already available).
If Apple is able to deliver an iPhone by early I predict it will sweep aside all competitors (LG Chocolate, SonyEricsson Walkman phone, etc.), and also start taking large chunks of market share of "cool" fashionista-oriented phones like RAZR and Sidekick. Not because Apple is competing on features with the RAZR or Sidekick, but rather because it will become the new "cool" phone, and most people only own one phone, after all.
Mr. MacBook
Mar 26, 05:00 PM
Your thinking too much about the worst side of things. Aren't you grateful they didnt steal umm... $10000?
Sep 12, 03:06 AM
no, I wouldn't prefer osx media player, i'm not saying that I would prefer anything different, imedia would make more sense, but there's no way apple would change the name of there most well known software.
Sep 10, 07:02 PM
hokay, i'm a little late to this thread but i'll still chime in..
with regards to kanye's appearance at the special event, it was okay i guess. he is one of the most 'happening' people in music so it was a good move by apple to pick someone different to who they normally do. plus i guess it woke the crowd up! ;)
However, i think it would've been cool to get madonna there. she's probably liked a lit more than Kanye. but giving anyone a madonna performance would put a smile on their face..and thats exactly what you want to do at a media event - make the journalists happy. i guess she was just way too busy or she commanded some crazy fee..
still, madonna's hot. end of. :rolleyes:
with regards to kanye's appearance at the special event, it was okay i guess. he is one of the most 'happening' people in music so it was a good move by apple to pick someone different to who they normally do. plus i guess it woke the crowd up! ;)
However, i think it would've been cool to get madonna there. she's probably liked a lit more than Kanye. but giving anyone a madonna performance would put a smile on their face..and thats exactly what you want to do at a media event - make the journalists happy. i guess she was just way too busy or she commanded some crazy fee..
still, madonna's hot. end of. :rolleyes:
Nov 27, 06:48 AM
Did anyone else get the "Joy to the wallet" email?
Says: This Friday is our one-day shopping event. The graphic looks like the Black Friday event except that the objects blink on and off like holiday decorations. The email came to me on the 26th.... a bit confusing because I almost passed it buy thinking it was the Black Friday event but this one is for December 1st.
Oops.. just read back a few and looks like some know about it.
Says: This Friday is our one-day shopping event. The graphic looks like the Black Friday event except that the objects blink on and off like holiday decorations. The email came to me on the 26th.... a bit confusing because I almost passed it buy thinking it was the Black Friday event but this one is for December 1st.
Oops.. just read back a few and looks like some know about it.
Oct 6, 04:49 PM
No the add is right. To many people drool over apple so they go with ATT. If you picked AT&T for the iPhone and knew the service was spotty in your area you loose all right to complain about it.
i get what your sayin, but nah, they can still complain all they want... i dont think it says in the contract be expected to have 30% dropped calls.
people complain not only to relieve themselves, but to eventually get whats right. (complaining on macrumors isnt exactly the best way of going about it, ill give you that)
i get what your sayin, but nah, they can still complain all they want... i dont think it says in the contract be expected to have 30% dropped calls.
people complain not only to relieve themselves, but to eventually get whats right. (complaining on macrumors isnt exactly the best way of going about it, ill give you that)
Mar 25, 03:46 AM
the release in retrospect was a milestone in Apple's transformation from a struggling computer company into the major technology behemoth it is today.
Odd choice of words. "Behemoth" is most often used to describe something that that it is so large that it is unpleasant. And "major behemoth" is redundant.
Odd choice of words. "Behemoth" is most often used to describe something that that it is so large that it is unpleasant. And "major behemoth" is redundant.
Sep 12, 07:28 AM
can we confim the what countrys itunes stores are down ?
usa/uk ...
german store is down too
usa/uk ...
german store is down too
Jan 12, 07:44 PM
Welcome to America. We're just now getting 3G (in regards to GSM networks, anyhow).
So I'm told, but A) 3G phones are backwards compatible with old GSM networks. Mine switches between 3G/regular GSM constantly when I'm at home, as I live very close to a base station but far from the nearest 3G mast. Hence they should just stick a 3G 'sleeper cell' in there for (near) future use... and B) I respect that Apple is an American company, but they peddle their stuff all across the globe. Every little itty bitty iPod has 21 languages built in. When Apple Store closes down for maintenance it happens simultaneously all across the globe, and when it pops back online again the new products are available in all countries. Never in Apple's history have I seen them do something as US-centric as this - heck, we're not getting it until 2008! Strange, pretty damn alienating, and it had better not become a habit.
So I'm told, but A) 3G phones are backwards compatible with old GSM networks. Mine switches between 3G/regular GSM constantly when I'm at home, as I live very close to a base station but far from the nearest 3G mast. Hence they should just stick a 3G 'sleeper cell' in there for (near) future use... and B) I respect that Apple is an American company, but they peddle their stuff all across the globe. Every little itty bitty iPod has 21 languages built in. When Apple Store closes down for maintenance it happens simultaneously all across the globe, and when it pops back online again the new products are available in all countries. Never in Apple's history have I seen them do something as US-centric as this - heck, we're not getting it until 2008! Strange, pretty damn alienating, and it had better not become a habit.
May 5, 05:00 PM
We can do both at the same time. Refusing to have very strict gun control is a result of the culture problem you described. Guns are enablers for our worse instincts in our culture. Why enable them to have such destructive consequences?
I never said anything about control, I'm talking about bans, which accomplish nothing. Many of the reasons we have huge problems with drugs are the same reasons we have problems with guns. I'm all for regulations, not for bans.
I never said anything about control, I'm talking about bans, which accomplish nothing. Many of the reasons we have huge problems with drugs are the same reasons we have problems with guns. I'm all for regulations, not for bans.