In the very beginning of the year your friends, choir and other cherished activities will ask for more attention, in spring Taurus will need to clear up his mind quite in hurry and slide to the summer, when finally the best times of Taurus (especially Taurus who has been born in the first one-third of the sign) will come. And you do not need to have complex about your excessive materialism — the creation of values is the true mission of Taurus and this year will be very suitable for that. But it is also important to know how to enjoy life and Taurus will be most successful in it in May, in the end of August and in the first half of September and also in December. Lucky is the one who has Taurus amongst friends and relatives, because he will give for Christmas valuable presents, unless this Taurus would not have managed to spent the money in abroad round that time.
by Edward Espati