I know Amy Lau's chairs she designed for the set of Dexter is old news. I didn't know about them until I nabbed the March 2009 issue of Metropolitan Home in an airport to put off having to do work on the little, often times very sticky pull-down tray tables on the plane. (By the way, Midwest Express did NOT stock the warm chocolate chip cookies this time and I was very disappointed.) I've seen half an episode of Dexter once. So I am not that familiar with the show, although I've heard a few people rave about it. But I could not stop thinking about the chairs and why I was so disturbed by them. I'm a huge fan of the clean neoclassical-styled lines, as well as white lacquer with a splash of color. But color and shape to resemble red splattered blood? I can't do it. Would anyone include a set around their dining room table? Or even tucked in the corner of a room?

These limited edition chairs are upholstered in white ultraleather and embroidered with a blood stain that has seeped through the back. You can purchase them through the Spring Gallery, in Brooklyn, New York for a mere $5,000 each.

How about a set of dinnerware to match? At this point, I am not even pausing to try to understand the appeal. My apologies if I seem like a sissy. I have to turn my head away when my dog gets a shot at the vet's. I would no more eat off of one of these regardless how flop-sweat, dizzy and dying starving I might be. For those a tad intrigued, you can purchase them here (click on 'Dexter', then click on the image to view the whole place setting...) I'm off to chew on a Rolaids. Just the image makes my stomach turn.