My dearest

In the presence of silence between you and me,
Never a single day in my life had I have forgotten,
Memories of the good times spent with you I treasure within
As long as there is breath in every human being…
If one day we are destined to meet again,
I often wonder if we would we be friends or look away?
For all that had been said and done till this day,
I hope there is no trace of regrets in us in anyways…
Today, on your special day,
My heart reaches out to you and pray,
May He blesses you with happiness forever,
Today, tomorrow, here and hereafter…

In the presence of silence between you and me,
Never a single day in my life had I have forgotten,
Memories of the good times spent with you I treasure within
As long as there is breath in every human being…
If one day we are destined to meet again,
I often wonder if we would we be friends or look away?
For all that had been said and done till this day,
I hope there is no trace of regrets in us in anyways…
Today, on your special day,
My heart reaches out to you and pray,
May He blesses you with happiness forever,
Today, tomorrow, here and hereafter…